발레 `라이몬다` 공연일시: 2010 / 9 / 25 (토) - 2010 / 9 / 30 (목) 평일, 토요일:오후 7시30분 / 일요일:오후 3시 공연장소: 예술의전당 오페라극장 가격정보:VVIP 120,000 / VIP 100,000 / R 70,000 / S 50,000 / A 30,000 / B 10,000 / C 5,000 할인정보: 골드,블루(예당BC플래티늄/예당우리V플래티늄)10% *모든 할인율 B, C 석은 할인 제외* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 예술스텝 예술 감독 : 최태지 안 무 : 유리 그리가로비치(Yuri Grigorovich) 음 악 : 알렉산드르 글라주노프 (Aleksandr Glazounov) 무대 디자인 : 시몬 비르살라제(Simon Virsaladze) 분장 디자인 : 구유진 (S.F MAKE-UP)
<주역캐스팅> -9월25일 : 김주원, 김현웅, 장운규 (국립발레단) -9월26일 : 마리아 알리쉬, 알렉산더 볼치코프, 드미트리 벨로갈로체프 (볼쇼이 발레단) -9월27일 : 안나 니콜리나, 아르템 아브차렌코, 파켈 드미트리첸코 (볼쇼이 발레단) -9월28일 : 김지영, 이동훈, 이영철 (국립발레단) -9월29일 : 김주원, 김현웅, 장운규 (국립발레단) -9월30일 : 김지영, 이동훈, 이영철 (국립발레단) 장 르 : 발레 주 최 : 국립발레단 주관/협찬/후원 : 문 의 : 국립발레단 02-587-6181 입장연령 : 초등학교 학생 이상 가능합니다.(미취학어린이 입장불가) 유의사항 : 공연이 시작된 이후에는 어텐던트의 유도에 따라서만 입장할 수 있으며, 본인 좌석이 아닌 빈 좌석으로 안내될 수 있습니다. ============================================================================== Title : Ballet `Raymonda` Subtitle : Period : 2010/9/25 (Sat.) - 2010/9/30 (Thu.) Closed on : Time : Weekdays, Sat 7:30pm / Sun 3:00pm Venue/Hall : Opera Theater Genre : Ballet Ticket Price : VVIP 120,000 / VIP 100,000 / R 70,000 / S 50,000 / A 30,000 / B 10,000 / C 5,000 Discount : 10% for Gold/Blue(BC Platinum/Woori V Platinum) Membership
Program :
[Ballet 'Raymonda' English Homepage]
Raymonda Ballet in two acts
< Raymonda > is one of Russian composer, Aleksandr Glazunov’s best works. The ballet’s plot, which brings to life the age of knights and chivalry, is based on a medieval legend about the rivalry between the noble knight, Jean de Brienne, and the perfidious Saracen Sheikh, Abderakhman, for the love of the young Raymonda. The dramatic conflict in which faithfulness and nobility, beauty and elevated love win the day, finds perfect embodiment in Glazunov’s music. Of key significance in the ballet’s score are the choreographic suites characterizing Raymonda’s poetic disposition and the fantastic kingdom of her reveries, Abderakhman’s exotic entourage, and the magnificence of the court festivities. The suites are in contrast to each other and consist of sequences of different dances, linking together the actions of the ballet’s main heroes. Ever since its premiere in 1898, < Raymonda > was to become a fixture in the repertoires of many theaters. The ballet has been produced by many of the world leading choreographers. While retaining fragments of the original choreography by Marius Petipa, Yuri Grigorovich has created a new major choreographic role for soloists and corps-de-ballet. He achieved in choreography total harmony with Aleksandr Glazunov’s music.
SYNOPSIS Act I Young Raymonda, the niece of Countess Sybilla de Doris, a French noblewoman, is fiancée to Jean de Brienne. Jean de Brienne arrives to the castle. He came to say farewell to Raymonda, his fiancée, because he has to go on crusade led by Andrew II, King of Hungary. Raymonda says goodbye to her beloved and the knight leaves the castle. The guests are breaking up. It is evening. Surrounded by her friends Raymonda is playing the Harp and dreaming of her beloved.
Night-time. Raymonda is alone and falls asleep. In her dreams Raymonda appears in a fantasy world where she sees Jean de Brienne surrounded by beautiful Graces. The happy lovers are together. Suddenly Jean de Brienne disappears. In the Brienne’s place Raymonda finds an unknown eastern knight, who says he is passionately in love with her. Raymonda get a fright and falls unconscious to the ground. The vision dispelled. Raymonda wakes up.
Dawn breaks. Raymonda decides that her night-time apparition is an omen.
Act II Festival in the Countess Doris’s castle. Among the guests there is the Saracen knight Abderakhman accompanied by glittering retinue. Raymonda recognizes him to be the mysterious stranger in her night-dream. She is terrified. Abderakhman offers Raymonda power and riches in return for her hand and heart. Raymonda rejects Abderakhman. Enraged, the Saracen knight attempts to abduct her.
At that time appear the knights who returned from the crusade. Jean de Brienne is among them. King Andrew II suggests to Jean de Brienne and Abderakhman to decide their fate in straight fight. Jean de Brienne gets the better of Abderakhman. The lovers are united forever.
Artists : Choreographer : Yuri Grigorovich Music : Aleksandr Glazounov Designer : Simon Virsaladze